Main and Mersey Coffee Bar
Open year-round
Built in 1980, the Queens County Museum was designed to represent a large warehouse from Liverpool’s Colonial days. Get your Privateer on and step aboard the scale deck replica of our famous Privateer ship, the “Liverpool Packet”. Let us share with you the story of why Liverpool was known as the “Port of the Privateers”. Earn your Letter Marque that makes you an official Privateer!
Queens County is steeped in history, beginning with the Mi’kmaq people. The French influence began in 1604, followed by the New England Planters in 1759. Over the years, the people of Queens County have chronicled the area’s rich history and its inherent link to the sea and the forest. Queens County Museum houses many of these stories, featuring exhibits on the Mi’kmaq, early medicine, our marine history, wartime memorabilia, and other stories from along the shore.
The Museum gift shop offers a variety of items including giftware, souvenirs, stones & crystals, publications unique to Queens County, jewelry, and much more.
daily June 1–Oct 15; O/S Mon–Sat.
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