Whynot Adventure Outfitters
From May 16, 2025 to October 13, 2025
Follow the river’s edge to see the Mersey in all its different moods. From the trail’s parking and picnic area, head along the river, up into the darker woods, and back to quiet, still Mersey pools. Listen to the swish of the lush grasses as you pass through. The trail forks as it meets Slapfoot trail. Continue right towards the campground or left towards the bridge at Jake’s Landing and on to Marrymakedge Beach. This is a shared-use trail so watch for bikers.
A gateway to Ukme’k trail.
Trailhead: Located off the road to Jeremys Bay Campground
Significant Feature: Explore the Mersey River shoreline and take the opportunity to take a rest-stop at Jakes Landing
Length: 3.3 kilometres (2.1 miles) one way
Hiking Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour (one way)
Trail Rating: Easy
The trails at Kejimkujik showcase an incredible variety of habitats, scenery and places of cultural and historical significance. Visitor services at Kejimkujik are available from mid-May until mid-October 31. Please visit our website for maps and information on visitor safety and visitor services.
Be responsible for your safety:
Visit the website for hours and seasonal information. No maintenance in off-season.