TacOcaT Taqueria
From mai 15, 2025 to octobre 31, 2025
The Smith’s Cove Old Temperance Hall Museum is located in the Bay of Fundy & Annapolis Valley region (Route 1, off Highway 101, Exit 24 or 25) in the center of the Village. Situated in the » Old Baptist Meeting House » (c 1835) the Museum displays historic artifacts and antiques of the community of Smith’s Cove and surrounding areas, as well as genealogical records of residents. The building has been a meeting place for over 2 centuries.
A Member of the Association of NS Museums, the Museum features Mi kmaq displays, household exhibits from the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as old photos of historic buildings, resorts and citizens. Genealogical records include scrapbooks, Family Bibles and cemetery records. There are special exhibits each year as well as a summer long exhibit of beautiful local hand-hooked rugs and our compelling exhibit of WW1 ‘Letters Home’ from a Smith’s Cove Veteran to his family (1915-1919).
The Museum is adjacent to the Digby County Rail Trail and a short 20 minute walk to the Smith’s Cove Lighthouse Park which features the original and recently restored Bear River Lighthouse (c 1915).
Monday, Wednesday through Saturday (Closed Tuesday and Sunday); Hours of Operation: 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM; 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM; No fees, Donations welcome.
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