Looking for someone else to do the driving while you get to experience the wonderful views from all over Nova Scotia? Discover public transportation and shuttle services available throughout the province from the list below. Be sure to check in the regions in which you are traveling in for additional transportation providers.
Provincial Transit Bus Service
Maritime Bus
T: 800-575-1807
E: info@maritimebus.com
W: www.maritimebus.com
Book tickets: tickets.maritimebus.com
Charter service also available. Stops in and between the following communities:
- Halifax
- Sydney (Northumberland Shore and Cape Breton Island)
- Amherst (Northumberland Shore and Bay of Fundy & Annapolis Valley)
- Kentville (Bay of Fundy & Annapolis Valley)
- Bridgewater (South Shore)
Airport Express via Maritime Bus
Offering motorcoach transfer from Halifax Stanfield International Airport to downtown Halifax and across the province.
W: https://maritimebus.com/en/airport-transportation
Halifax Transit Bus and Ferry Service
Halifax Metro Transit
T: 902-490-4000 (TTY 902-490-6645)
W: www.halifax.ca/metrotransit
Halifax-Dartmouth area including Halifax Stanfield International Airport
Halifax Metro Transit “Access-A-Bus”
T: 902-490-6681 (to register); 902-490-6999 (scheduling)
Wheelchair-accessible bus service in Metro area
Halifax Airport Shuttle Bus
Limited-stop, commuter-based Regional Express 320 Airport/Fall River service links the airport/Aerotech Park to Halifax’s downtown core with a stop in between in the community of Fall River.
W: https://www.halifax.ca/transportation/halifax-transit/routes-schedules/regional-express-service
Sydney Transit Service
Transit Cape Breton
T: 902-539-8124
W: https://www.cbrm.ns.ca/transit
Sydney & Metro Cape Breton communities
Handi-Trans (Transit Cape Breton)
T: 902-539-4336
E: epw@cbrm.ns.ca
W: www.cbrm.ns.ca/transit-cape-breton-handi-trans-service.html
Sydney, North Sydney, Sydney Mines, Glace Bay, New Waterford
Bay of Fundy & Annapolis Valley Transit Service
Kings Transit
T: 902-678-7310
E: info@kingstransit.ns.ca
W: www.kbus.ca
Wolfville, Greenwood, Bridgetown, Cornwallis, Hants County border, and Weymouth
For a list of additional community transit services throughout Nova Scotia, please visit communitytransitns.ca/resources/.
Shuttle, Limo, and Charter Service in Nova Scotia
Please contact the shuttle, limo and charter service providers listed below for more information, to make reservations, and to review cancellation policies.
Wheelchair accessible shuttle, limo, charter, and taxi services in Nova Scotia
TJ’s Driving Services
T: 902-441-9100
E: info@tjsdrivingservices.com
W: tjsdrivingservices.com
Offering friendly and wheelchair accessible shuttle service throughout Nova Scotia.
Crystal Limousine
T: 902-497-2101; 1-877-497-2101
E: crystallimo@eastlink.ca
W: crystallimo.ca
Halifax area: customized, wheelchair accessible.
Seniors Transit
T: 902-441-4537
W: seniorstransit.com
Offering quality accessible transportation for seniors and persons with physical and intellectual disabilities within Halifax Regional Municipality.
Extra Care Taxi
T: 902-334-0334
W: extracaretransit.com
Offering quality accessible transportation for seniors and persons with physical and intellectual disabilities within Halifax Regional Municipality.
Nova Scotia shuttle, limo and charter service providers
Alternative Routes Travel
T: 902-880-4918
E: sam@alternativeroutes.ca
W: alternativeroutes.ca
Hop-on, hop-off door-to-door shuttle; South Shore and Annapolis Valley.
Bluenose Transit Inc.
T: 902-375-3222 x308 / 902-698-2583
E: charter@bluenosetransit.ca
W: www.bluenosetransit.ca
Providing charter bus service throughout Nova Scotia.
Ambassatours Gray Line
T: 902-420-1015; 1-800-565-9662
W: ambassatours.com
Shuttle service in Halifax and tours in Nova Scotia aboard mini-buses, double-deckers or varying sized motorcoaches.
Coach Atlantic
T: 1-800-575-1807
W: coachatlantic.ca
Charter service available throughout Atlantic Canada with a fleet including motorcoaches and minicoaches to passenger vans and luxury SUVs.
Tri-Star Charters
T: 902-742-2900
W: tri-starcharters.com
To/from Halifax and Yarmouth via Annapolis Valley or South Shore. By reservation.
Ceilidh Shuttle
T: 902-794-1122; 1-800-499-3940
E: ceilidhshuttle17@icloud.com
W: ceilidhshuttle.ca
To/from Halifax and Cape Breton.
Island & East Coast Shuttle
T: 902-842-0441; 1-866-463-4065
E: islandshuttle1@gmail.com
W: islandshuttle.net/
Travelling to/from Halifax and Cape Breton Island.
Courteous Chauffeur Services
T: 902-957-1493
W: courteouschauffeurservices.ca
Based in Truro, serving all over Nova Scotia.
MusGo Rider
T: 902-483-7433
W: musgorider.ruralrides.ca
To/from Halifax to Jeddore/Musquodoboit Harbour/Porters Lake areas. By reservation. Wheelchair accessible.
Annapolis Valley Travel
T: 902-824-3131
W: annapolisvalleytravel.com
To/from Halifax and Yarmouth via Annapolis Valley. By reservation.
Wood’s Limousine Service
T: 1-888-720-5466; 902-864-8283
E: bookings@woodslimo.com
W: woodslimo.com
To/from Halifax and Yarmouth via Annapolis Valley. By reservation.
Let’s Go Places Tours Nova Scotia
T: 902-740-5554
E: goplacestours@hotmail.com
W: letsgoplacestoursnovascotia.com
To/from Halifax serving southwestern Nova Scotia. Private tours available.
TJ’s Driving Services
T: 902-441-9100
E: info@tjsdrivingservices.com
W: tjsdrivingservices.com
Offering friendly and wheelchair accessible shuttle service throughout Nova Scotia.
Crystal Limousine
T: 902-497-2101; 1-877-497-2101
E: crystallimo@eastlink.ca
W: crystallimo.ca
Halifax area: customized, wheelchair accessible.
Seniors Transit / Extra Care Taxi
T: 902-441-4537 / 902-334-0334
W: seniorstransit.com / extracaretransit.com
Offering quality accessible transportation for seniors and persons with physical and intellectual disabilities within Halifax Regional Municipality.
Transport de Clare
T: 902-769-2477
E: manager@transportdeclare.ca
W: transportdeclare.ca
Serving Digby County with to/from service between Yarmouth and Halifax International Airport.
Cape Breton Shuttle
T: 902-849-9987
E: johnny@capebretonshuttle.ca
W: capebretonshuttle.ca
Shared shuttle or Uber service between Sydney and Halifax.
T: 902-817-7810
E: info@drifty.ca
W: www.drifty.ca
Dedicated car rental and airport shuttle service located in Halifax.
Ocean Wave Shuttle
T: 902-578-1252 / 782-503-2599 / 782-503-2310
E: williammacphee68@gmail.com
W: oceanwaveshuttle.ca
Daily shuttle servicing communities between Glace Bay/Sydney and Halifax.
Blue Water Shuttle
T: 902-270-2071
E: rides@bluewatershuttle.ca
W: bluewatershuttle.ca
Shuttle to/from Sydney/North Sydney and Halifax.
Jerry’s Limousine Service
T: 902-301-6120
W: jerryslimousine.ca
Shuttle service to/from Pictou County and Halifax Stanfield International Airport.
Straightline Shuttle
T: 902-320-0105
E: info@straightlineshuttle.com
W: straightlineshuttle.com
Shuttle service to/from Yarmouth and Halifax.
Are We There Yet Shuttles
T: 902-448-9601 / 902-448-8717
E: rides@arewethereyetshuttles.ca
W: arewethereyetshuttles.ca
Daily shuttle service between Halifax and Sydney.