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90-minute guided beach tour with an expert guide from the Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage site.

Examine the finest example in the world of life in the “Coal Age” as it is preserved in stone in the sea cliffs of Joggins. After visiting our interpretive centre, join a 90-minute tour, led by a knowledgeable interpreter. This experience provides the Explorer an opportunity to see into the magnificently exposed layers of rock that reveal the world’s most complete fossil record of life 300 million years ago, when lush forests covered Joggins and much of the world’s tropical regions. As you explore the beach at the spectacular Joggins Fossil Cliffs, remember that every rock holds the possibility of discovery.

This experience consists of walking over moderately difficult terrain that includes navigating through large slabs of rock, uneven footing, and possibly slippery rocks. Hard hats will be provided and must be worn. Recommended for ages 10 and up.

  • The Joggins Fossil Centre is accessible
  • Stair access to the fossil cliffs and beach
  • Our beach is rocky, and the Explorer’s Experience is through the rockiest portion of the beach, over moderately difficult terrain
  • Learn about the history of the town of Joggins, Nova Scotia and see the evidence of past coal mining that dot the Joggins beach
  • Enjoy stories about the many famous researchers who have studied the fossil cliffs
  • Visit the fossil forest, a section along the cliffs with ancient trees preserved within the rock layers
  • Learn how to identify the fossils common to the Joggins Fossil Cliffs, then spend some time fossil hunting with your guide
  • Remember that the Joggins Fossil Cliffs are a protected site, so fossils cannot be brought home but must be left for everyone to enjoy

Price: $25 per person

Conditions: Book via our website to see our complete tour schedule. While there is no lower limit on group size, 20 spots per tour are available through our booking site.  Tour cancellations within 48 hours of departure are non-refundable. Before the 48-hour mark rescheduling is possible based on tour availability. Groups rates are available, please contact for more information.

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