Seabreeze Cottages
Seabreeze Cottages sit on the rugged edge of the Atlantic Ocean known as Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore region. In a landscape dominated by inlets, rocky outcrops, beaches and islands, nature provides the palette for an idyllic Nova Scotia vacation. Our setting on the crystalline waters at Fox Island truly fits the bill of Nova Scotia’s “ocean playground”, where birding, beachcombing, paddling and ocean fishing are all within a stone’s throw… and just a short walk takes you to a fresh water lake for trout fishing.
Seabreeze is a place where simple pleasures can be relished, whether it is solitude you seek, or sense of community. Nights with campfires, mussel boils on the beach, spontaneous jam sessions, and our potluck Saturdays and friendly neighbours make this a happy spot. There are very scenic miles of shoreline for day hikes and wood trails to 3 Mile Lake. Nearby attractions include the Town of Canso & Chapel Gulley Trail, Canso Islands National Historic Park, Whitman House Museum in Canso and Tor Bay Provincial Park.
Our accommodations include 4 housekeeping cottages (Double, Twin, pull-out sofa; 1, 2-bedrooms), with a 3-piece bath, kitchen, a living area with satellite television, a picnic table and a fire pit.
Guest amenities include laundry facilities, groceries, propane tank exchange, firewood, and ice. Guests can enjoy a children’s playground, horseshoe pits, beach swimming, canoe and kayak rentals, and saltwater fishing. Pets are welcome but must be kept on a leash.
We are a proud member of the Tourism Industry Association of Nova Scotia and the Campground Owners Association of Nova Scotia. Visa, MasterCard and debit are accepted.
Cancellation Policy: Must cancel 48 hours prior to the day of arrival (for refund of deposit or to avoid a credit card charge). Due to high demand during the Stan Rogers Folk Festival, we require a 2-week notice of cancellation.